It is a technique developed by Malo and his colleagues in 2003.
It is a technique applied in patients who cannot use prosthesis due to excessive bone loss by applying a total of 4 or 6 implants and the patient can get and use temporary prostheses within a day. Bone melting is usually less in the ane region. In this technique, the patient begins to use his temporary prosthesis on the same day thanks to implants placed at sufficient bone-specific angles in this angular area and the super structures suitable for them. 4 or 6 implants are used according to the availability of jaw bones. After 3-4 months, permanent prostheses are performed.
How to Treat All On 4 Implant Techniques?
In the treatment of All on 4, as in all treatments, the patient's intraoral and radiological examination is performed first. With 3D dental and jaw tomography (3DCT), the patient's jaw bones and anatomical areas are examined in detail. Before treatment, patients are measured and temporary prostheses are prepared. Under local anesthesia, if the patient has teeth to withdraw, they are pulled and implanted. On the same day, the patient is measured from the top of the implants and the patient gets his fixed temporary teeth by connecting the temporary prosthesis to these implants.
Who Is All On 4 Implant Technique Made to?
All on 4 techniques can be applied to all patients who can be implanted. The only condition is that the patient has no teeth in his jaw or that all teeth will be tossed.
What should be done after All On 4 Implant Technique?
Patients should use the given medications regularly and not eat hot for a few days. All 14 patients should not eat harsh foods under any circumstances during their temporary prosthesis period. Patients must be fed a soft diet. This is due to the reduction of the load on imlants. After 3 months, they can start to consume normal nutrients in permanent prostheses.
The other important point is that if a fracture occurs in temporary prostheses, they must go to their physician. Broken prostheses can cause implant loss.
What are the advantages of All On 4 Implants?
It is the withdrawal of teeth on the same day, implants and prostheses are performed without the need for advanced surgical techniques or bone supplements (bone grafting). Patients can come with their mobile prostheses and go home with their fixed prosthetics on the evening of the same day. The shortage of the operation is very small due to the lack of any pressure on the wound places.
How Is All On 4 Technique Different From Classic Implant Bridges?
In standard implant technique, implants are placed in the jaw bone at a 90 degree angle, a minimum of 6 implants are needed on each jaw to support the bridge prosthesis, and it is required to wait 4-6 months for the recovery period to be made on it. In addition, bone grafting may be required if the patient does not have sufficient bone tissue. Although there is a consensus in all dentists around the world about the reliability of implant applications, the All on 4 technique may cause a difference of opinion among physicians due to the possible newer technique than traditional methods.