Implant in One Day
Implant therapy in one day means that you can leave with your new tooth by having an operation on the day you come to your clinic. This implant treatment is the ideal solution for patients who do not want to wait months. Patients never have to wait toothless with this method. On the same day, they move on with a good tooth.
This method can be used in the following situations:
Single tooth implant
Multiple implants
All oral implants
Implant treatment in one day; it is an effective treatment method in a short time both for patients living in the same city and for patients from abroad. With this treatment, patients can continue their lives without teeth from the first day of treatment. Today, you can avoid waiting for months with "Implant in one Day" treatment, which is one of the most preferred treatment methods for patients suffering from toothlessness problems.
Who Applies implants in one day?
Most of this treatment is benefited by patients who do not want to wait with the classic implant method, who have neglected to be treated in a timely way, who have teeth that are swinging and do not look pleasant. In addition to getting healthy, strong teeth after treatment, these patients also have a high sense of self-confidence as a natural result of their attractive new smiles.
Other patients eligible for treatment are those who have difficulty using their butt prostheses, those who have bone melting due to dental and gum diseases, those who are genetically missing teeth and those who suffer tooth loss after an accident.
One important thing to emphasize is that the room; implant dental treatment may vary from person to person. This can only be determined by examining the person by the dentist.
This change affects the suitability of treatment as well as its duration. Implant treatment in one day can only be approved after dentist's check-up.
Benefits of Implant Treatment in one day
Like standard implant applications, there is no need for a 6-12 month waiting period.
Published scientific documents show very similar levels of success with classical methods.
Patients say that there are great improvements in chewing quality, confidence and comfort levels as they do not lose their chewing function.
The prosthesis, which is uncomfortable on the recovering gums, saves it from the daes.
After treatment, patients make almost no complaints.
Patients feel renewed self-confidence with their new smiles.
Can implant treatment be performed on every person in one day?
We see that treatments where implants and teeth are completed in one day have started to be applied frequently in recent years. Especially in patients whose oral conditions are available for this treatment and whose jaw bone is sufficient, it is possible that the implants should be applied on the same day even if the teeth have been pulled and that the teeth may not be inserted immediately on the same day behind them.
Implant therapy in one day may not be applied in patients with severe bone loss due to intense infection. When the patient is eligible for implant treatment in one day, the dentist decides after the dentist examination.
Dent Halicarnassus general care offers you complete oral care and hygiene, not just toothstone cleaning.