What you wonder about the implant
What is a Dental Implant?
Dental implants are a material made of titanium that can replace a tooth placed in the jawbone or support a porcelain bridge. It can also be considered as an artificial tooth root.
Is implant application a painful procedure?
It is an operation that takes approximately 30-45 minutes with sufficient anesthesia and is comfortable for the patient.
What is the advantage of implant?
Provides a more comfortable chewing function. Provides better aesthetics than traditional methods. It prevents bone loss and resorption in the jawbone. It eliminates the speech impairment caused by the movement of the prostheses in the removable prostheses.
Is the implant successful?
It depends on where the implant will be placed and how it will function. Oral hygiene of the patient also affects the success of the implant. Many studies show that implants have an average success rate of 93% in the upper jaw and 96% in the lower jaw.
Are all implants successful?
There are many factors to consider when deciding on implant placement. First of all, the patient should be healthy and there should be no recovery difficulties. For example, if there is an advanced diabetes patient, wound-healing complications may occur. Although this disease develops after the implants are placed, it may cause problems in the future conditions of the implants. In addition, the patient should be examined, the implant suitable for the patient and the implant placement method should be carefully selected. Implants should receive special attention and care from the patient as well as being carefully placed and cared for by the dentist. Complications can occur if the dentist or patient does not take good care of the implants. In addition, the success of implants is negatively affected in patients who smoke and use excessive alcohol.
How long do implants last?
It has been observed that implants remain in the mouth for up to thirty years without any problems. But the average expectation from implants is shorter than that. The life of the implant depends on many factors. The health of the patient and good care of the implants are two of them. After all, implants can be used for a lifetime. Your dentist will explain to you many factors affecting their lifespan and your risks. The clinical success of over 90% is one of the reasons for their longevity.
Can implants be rejected by the body?
Implants are made of substances that do not have any side effects for our body, and have been subjected to intense research for years. These substances are usually metals such as titanium, and other similar substances that are never part of another living organism. According to our current knowledge, it is not possible for the body to produce antigens against these and reject them as in heart and kidney transplants. There is a possibility that the success of the implant will be low only because of the bone quality, which will be evaluated and presented to you by your dentist.
Is there a risk of cancer?
No evidence has been found to show that implants cause cancer to date.
Are the success of the implants guaranteed?
There is no guarantee for anything that enters your mouth and is under your control. As doctors cannot guarantee that an organ transplant or heart surgery will keep you alive for a certain period of time, we can only say that we will try to place the implant perfectly as much as possible. We can give you the necessary information about the care of your implant and we can examine it when necessary. We will do our best to make implants successful, but you must do the same.
Is implant an expensive treatment?
The complexity and length of the implant placement process varies depending on the patient's dental health and needs, and the result can be a major investment.
How long does it take to place the implant?
This time depends on your situation and the work to be done. A single surgery can take between half an hour and a few hours. A complete treatment can be completed with an operation and may require a series of surgeries and appointments. It may take months for full recovery. This is the condition of your jawbone, etc. It can be evaluated together with the factors and reported to you by your dentist.
How long should I be off work?
In general, we recommend you to rest for two days following the surgery. There may be swelling, pain and bruising at the operation site, but you will never be toothless during the treatment. You can decide for yourself the length of leave you will get from work.