How Many Types of Implant-Top Prostheses Can There Be?
Dental implants are screws made of titanium, bio-ingable with tissue, which, as mentioned earlier, served as the root of the pulled tooth. We can divide the prostheses on the implants into fixed and mobile prostheses.
What is Implant-Top Moving Prosthesis, Why Is It Done?
Of course, the dream of every person who has an implant is to have fixed teeth that never come out. Unfortunately, it may not always be possible. Sometimes the amount of bone, bone shape, anatomical formations of the person in need of treatment may not allow implants in sufficient numbers or volumes for fixed prosthesis. Or the person's general health may not be able to do so. Another reason is that the cost of the fixed prosthesis cannot be increased.
In such cases, a small number of implans and implant-based moving prostheses can be performed.
prostheses with implant top paper tops (prostheses with press-studs)
prostheses with over-the-implant bars
What are the advantages of implant-on-motion prostheses?
They contribute to the conservation of total prostheses (full daes). In particular, lower prostheses are often complained about by those who use them because their retaining is quite low. . They connect the lower prosthesis to the palate with 2 or 4 implants, so that they are more conservative, robust and stable. So the prosthesis won't play when you're talking, eating. The biggest problem with the upper ven ven. the palate feels very large (just because it covers the palate), so it has nausea and the food cannot be tasted. If 4 or 6 dental implants are implanted on the upper palate, the palate of the prosthesis can be reduced so that the food can be tasted. The feeling of nausea disappears.
What are the disadvantages of implant-moving prostheses?
Although the implants have improved their retaining compared to the full tames, they are still pluggable prostheses. They can shoot from time to time. Melting of the jawbone continues under the prosthesis, which over time causes food waste to go under it and the retaining of the prosthesis decreases. Just like the daes, feeding (primer) is needed over time. Over time, the implant will loosen as a result of wearing and removing the top paper ers. This will need to be renewed.
Of course, the dream of every person who has an implant is to have fixed teeth that never come out. Unfortunately, it may not always be possible. Sometimes the amount of bone, bone shape, anatomical formations of the person in need of treatment may not allow implants in sufficient numbers or volumes for fixed prosthesis. Or the person's general health may not be able to do so. Another reason is that the cost of the fixed prosthesis cannot be increased.
In such cases, a small number of implans and implant-based moving prostheses can be performed.
prostheses with implant top paper tops (prostheses with press-studs)
prostheses with over-the-implant bars